Hi! I’m Joy. Thanks for being here!
The Southwest United States is full of fascinating things to see. The intricate details and colors in rocks and tree bark, where you have to stop and look closely. Wide canyons and distant plateaus, where what you see is so vast it almost doesn’t make sense.
I have developed as an artist who has a relationship with the land. I create paintings and drawings that explore nature and landscape through abstraction. The connection can be subtle, I’m obviously not a straight landscape painter! I like to be an explorer, both when I head out to remote areas with my family and when I sit down to paint. I take what I see around me, the colors and textures in the natural world and mix them with my internal world of thoughts and emotions. What I produce is wildly bright, intricate and patterned. My work is a result of many years of looking and experiencing and gathering. Then, sitting down to a blank page and allowing the image to flow. One color leads to another, layer upon layer; then a line leads to another line and the image becomes complex and curious.
Images worth looking at more than once. Worth living with.
Please contact me directly to discuss purchasing my work.